How to Know if Your Baby Has an Ear Infection

Middle ear infections, also known as acute otitis media, are extremely common in babies and young children. In fact, according to a study published in American Family Physician, “Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most common diagnosis in childhood acute sick visits. By three years of age, 50% to 85% of children will have at least one episode of AOM.”

Unfortunately, if your child is very young, they won’t be able to tell you about any discomfort in their ears, which is why we review the signs your baby is suffering from an ear infection below.

Tugging on the Ears

One of the symptoms of a middle ear infection is pain in the ears. Many babies and children will tug on their ears to alleviate the pain. If your baby is very young, they may hit them instead because they have trouble locating and connecting the pain to their ears.

Trouble Sleeping

If your baby has an ear infection, laying down will cause a pressure shift in the middle ear, which can be uncomfortable or even painful. If your baby is resisting lying down and going to sleep, this is a sign of an ear infection.

Ear Drainage

A sure sign of some type of ear infection is fluid drainage from the ears. If the infection is in the middle ear but your child’s ear drains thick, yellow or bloody fluid, their eardrum may have ruptured. If you see this, bring them to an expert at Palmetto ENT & Allergy to have it evaluated. The physician may prescribe antibiotics you can pick up at the Palmetto Prescription Center in Florence to prevent or treat an infection.

Crying or Fussing

Discomfort, pressure or pain in the ears may also cause your baby to cry or be fussier than usual.

Difficulty Hearing

Another symptom of a middle ear infection is muffled hearing. If your baby has stopped responding to their name or doesn’t startle at loud sounds, they may be experiencing conductive hearing loss caused by their middle ear infection.


A fever is a measurable sign that the body is fighting an infection. If your baby’s fever is above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, look for other symptoms to see what type of infection it may be attributed to.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an ear expert, call Palmetto ENT & Allergy today.