Understanding Third Mobile Window Syndrome

Third Mobile Window Syndrome (TMWS) is a rare condition disrupting the regular movement of fluid and sound in the inner ear. Normally, the inner ear’s fluid dynamics are regulated by two windows: the oval window and the round window. In TMWS, an abnormal third window opens up and disrupts this balance, causing symptoms including:

  • Auditory: Hearing loss, autophony (hearing one’s voice or bodily sounds unusually loudly), being very sensitive to sounds (hyperacusis) and ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Vestibular: Vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders, trouble hearing or ear pressure

How Does Third Mobile Window Syndrome Happen?

A condition called superior canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS) is the most common cause of a third window opening. With SCDS, the bone laying over the superior semicircular canal of the inner ear is either very thin or missing, creating a “third window” and disrupting the internal processes of the ear. The exact cause of SCDS remains unknown, but its potential causes may include genetics, aging, infections or injury.

What Are Your Diagnosis and Treatment Options?

If you have symptoms of TMWS, it is essential not to get too concerned. TMWS is extremely rare, and its symptoms are often indicative of more common conditions, including Eustachian tube dysfunction, hearing loss and ear infections.

Because TMWS is so rare, diagnosis requires a multifaceted approach. The first step in diagnosis is an audiology and ENT exam to rule out other causes. Your specialist might also suggest a CT scan to get a better look at your inner ear. Once diagnosed, your healthcare provider will help you decide the best way to manage or treat your symptoms.

A few symptom management options for people with TMWS include:

  • Avoiding vertigo triggers
  • Opting for quieter environments over loud places like busy dinners at Cole’s
  • Using ear tubes to relieve pressure

If symptoms get worse, your doctor might recommend surgery to plug the opening and stop the abnormal fluid movement and related symptoms.

If you are concerned you are experiencing symptoms of TMWS, contact Palmetto ENT & Allergy today to schedule an appointment with one of our experts for a diagnosis and treatment options.