What Role Do Your Sinuses Play in Your Health?

Your sinuses are four pairs of air-filled cavities located behind your eyes and nose, collectively known as the paranasal sinuses. These include the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid and maxillary sinuses. While you likely don’t think about your sinuses until they’re inflamed, causing a stuffy nose and facial pressure, they play a key role in your health.

How Do Paranasal Sinuses Protect My Health?

A few ways sinuses help protect your health include:

  • Fighting infection. Your sinuses create mucus that drains down into your nasal cavity and nose. Once in your nose, mucus traps and expels dirt and germs that could otherwise make you sick.
  • Protecting your brain. Your paranasal sinuses serve as a sort of bumper zone, preventing facial trauma from directly impacting your brain.
  • Moisturizing air. Dry air can irritate the lungs, leading to wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath, especially for people with chronic lung disease. When you breathe cold, dry air through your nose, your sinuses humidify it before it reaches your lungs.

What Can Affect My Sinuses?

Most sinus issues arise from inflammation, infection, allergies or abnormal growths. A few common conditions that can negatively impact your sinuses include:

  • Sinus infections. Inflammation of the tissues lining your sinuses, typically triggered by allergies, bacteria or viruses, causes sinus infections.
  • Colds. Colds are upper respiratory infections in your sinuses, throat and windpipe caused by one of over 200 different viruses.
  • Dental infections. Inflammation and infection from a dental infection, particularly in the upper back teeth, can spread to the sinuses.
  • Nasal polyps. Nasal polyps are painless, tear-shaped, noncancerous growths that form on the lining of your sinuses and nose. They affect about 40% of the general population. Medication can ease nasal polyp symptoms, and surgery can remove them when necessary.

How Can I Take Care of My Sinuses?

Managing allergies and preventing viral and bacterial infections is key to promoting sinus health. A few tips for healthy sinuses include:

  • Wash your hands and clean frequently touched surfaces in your home
  • Eat a balanced diet full of fresh Soda City Market fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Don’t smoke and minimize exposure to secondhand smoke

An occasional, mild sinus infection during allergy season is usually not a big deal. However, if you have recurring, long-lasting or severe sinus issues, contact Palmetto ENT & Allergy today to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists.